Why Yoga?

Why practice yoga?

Why Yoga? What are the benefits? How will you feel during and after class? Why is yoga becoming more popular of late? These are just some of the common questions asked by those unfamiliar to yoga.

We begin to prepare the body for the higher stages of yoga using asana (postures); these are most typically associated with yoga, the postures that some people appear to gladly contort into. As yoga is so closely connected to the breath, we learn to breathe correctly using yogic breathing techniques – pranayama.

In between asana it is recommended to use relaxation intermittently, in order to allow the muscles & body to recover. For more serious practitioners, shatkarmas can be utilised & offer the practitioner a safe / non-intrusive cleansing process. These yogic cleanses address on going current health concerns as well as sensitise one with the subtle fields of energy.

For those who are recovering from injury, are elderly or with chronic illnesses, limited mobility / movement & wishing to improve ones quality of life, perhaps trying a chair yoga class may alleviate certain symptoms?

Health is wealth. Peace of mind is happiness. Yoga shows the way.” – Swami Vishnudevananda